After Monday’s session it appeared the market was D.O.A. However, even though I cut losses in all stocks not showing me gains or cut back in stocks with gains that I had not taken any profits on, it doesn’t mean that I just go “dark.” Jesus Christ, you can’t do that in this market! What are some people thinking? Scary. Anyways, by Thursday, every single Platinum member, along with me, realized a MAJOR BULLISH REVERSAL occurred. Hence we had 20 new longs for Friday. 18 of the 20 were up. The two that were down, one is a full sell and one is a part sell and we will move those small losses into stocks that might setup like the next CHLN, CHBT, or ISTA for me. Even I messed up big this week. I went long heavy CHLN last Friday and by this Friday the position was up $30,000. The only problem. I sold it all Tuesday morning. Guess what? IT HAPPENS! Stop crying, I say, and wake up. By getting myself back in the game I did not miss all the CLEAR buy signals on Thursday and that led to some huge!!! gains like the excellent long in CHBT. That’s right everyone, my biggest CHINESE long of Friday was completely filled and a nice 56% one day gain was realized. Will I be taking profits? NOT ALL but obviously I will sell 50%. I have been doing this since 1996 for a living and think it is funny that people that do not do this for a living still try to think that they can be “smarter than the market.” Sadly, you are telling and making it clear to the world that you are not a smart person. A smart investor realizes the market is crazy and understands he can never turn his back on the market or else you end up selling and not buying back. By the way, my PAST BIG WINNERS that show my best stocks with the best patterns that were my biggest/best positions will show you quite a few times that those perfect charts gave us “buy signals” before the “perfect buy signal.” According to some “non-Platinum (I notice I never have problems with my Platinum guys…I wonder why???? Duh they have direct access to me)” members it is obviously a sin to sell a stock and buy it all back. Really? If you think that I am pretty sure you will NEVER hold a TASR your ENTIRE life. Stinking thinking like that is just sad and will not make you a winner in the stock market. Also realizing technical analysis is a windsock and not a crystal ball. A really wish some of my Silver/Free members would use more common sense and spend more time studying past big winners. I really do receive some HORRIBLE emails that my Platinum and Gold members WOULD NEVER send. Why? They are dialed in. I hope you all realize this site is for people that really want to do this for a living. Which is hard, by the way. I get it. Do you? I hope so or else you are going to have a DAMN HARD time making money in this market where our government has infiltrated. I will be posting my top returns when I finish my scans early Sunday. Check out my gains and tell me if the people you are following or if your own trading can hold itself up to the methodology that I use which involves NO EMOTIONS (unless I am dealing with newbie Silver members–rolling eyes). “Explain yourself.” I just did. Sheesh. Some of you guys need to learn some manners, also. Aloha from Maui where I am sure I had a much better weekend than most. Great surf, great scenery, and finally some HUGE profits from the stock market. Perfect harmony. Life is great and so are the gains coming from China. Zai jian and ALOHA!

32!!! New Long Positions And 18!!! Stocks I Am Adding To My Exising Long Positions For Monday’s Stock Market Session (THIS IS A NEW RECORD THAT EVEN SURPASES THE MOST LONGS IN ONE DAY SET IN 2003 [29])

Gold and Platinum members you have two 21 minute videos that will go over all of our longs and all our sells. Great luck everyone! This is very rare and probably will not happen again the rest of the year or for another many years. Pretty nice to have 11 sells and 10 be for profits and the only full sell being a 7% loss compared to gains of 47%, 113%, 148%, 56%, 72%, 15%, 24%, 37%, 30%, and 55%

top longs with total returns since 1st purchase making money FRI: VOCL 73% TXIC 61% JADE 37% SIGA 54% ISTA 113% CKEC 63% FIRE 41% BPSG 24% CAST 61% RAD 163% GOK 36% ATSG 90% PALM 72% SPPI 24% VIT 68% CRTX 40% CHBT 56% ACTG 37% KONG 84% MTMC 83% CHLN 79% CRAY 63% AVNR 148% PARD 59% RAX 47%(2ND) FIT 34% CLRT 30% RAX 167%(1ST) COOL 39% DPW 27% ANV 55%

FREE Youtube video to help you learn to analyze the overall market CORRECTLY: