This stock didn’t knock it out of the ballpark with a huge gain but the bounce off the 50 DMA, with a close at the HOD, all that green to max green BOP, and those three big accumulation bars with no selling was all that was needed to make me, at the time, go long a lot of this stock. Looking back on it, I probably would not have bought as much because now I would want more max green BOP leading up to the bounce. But back then I was more interested in getting rich than losing money (which now trumps my investing decisions in this current market enviro) even with a nasty market. At the end of it all it was a strong 75% return in a little over five months. These gains in the stocks I am listing right now are more impressive due to the fact that the Nasdaq fell over 40% while ORI was rallying 75%. That is a true 115% gain you realized, instead of being long the QQQ (it didn’t have four Q’s back then–I remember).

the buy:


the top:
